Exercise D4

DIMENSIONS: Half a pitch
PLAYERS: All in natural positions, in pairs.
OBJETIVE: Create attacking Structure
Two touches.
Free in Key areas to cross the ball
One touch to finish
EXPLANATION: Repeat the same situation twice by each side to make all the players practice all movements.

Exercise D3

DIMENSIONS: Half a pitch
PLAYERS: All in natural positions, in pairs.
OBJETIVE: Create attacking Structure
Two touches.
Free in Key areas to cross the ball
One touch to finish
EXPLANATION: Repeat the same situation twice by each side to make all the players practice all movements.

Exercise D2

DIMENSIONS: Half a pitch
PLAYERS: All in natural positions, in pairs.
OBJETIVE: Create attacking Structure
Two touches.
Free in Key areas to cross the ball
One touch to finish
EXPLANATION: Repeat the same situation twice by each side to make all the players practice all movements.

Exercise D1

DIMENSIONS: Half a pitch
PLAYERS: All in natural positions, in pairs.
OBJETIVE: Create attacking Structure
Two touches.
Free in Key areas to cross the ball
One touch to finish
EXPLANATION: Repeat the same situation twice by each side to make all the players practice all movements.