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- Start:
- Whenever the opponent starts the game after a set piece action (goal kick, free kick, throw-in …)
- After a Disorganized Defense Phase.
- End:
- When we regain the possession of the ball
- Characteristics for the defending team:
- Easy situations to solve
- High density of defenders near the ball
- Predictable situations
- Solutions depends less on the individual defensive quality of the players
- Correct spatial distribution of the players on the field
- Main objectives:
- To anticipate the recovery of the ball. To maintain a correct distribution of the players on the field to allow us to defend better after.
- To force the opponent to keep the possession of the ball as long as possible between the defensive line and the midfield line. To recover the ball as far as possible from our goal and with as few opposing players as possible behind the ball.
- Implications for training:
- Easy situations to train since we can anticipate where the play will start, the positioning of the players, as well as the movements we want to make and where we want to recover the ball.
- We cannot know the movements of the opposing team, but we can anticipate their possible responses, so we must provide our players with various solutions for the same situation.
- It is essential to work the continuity between the Organized Defense Phase and the Disorganized Attack Phase.